Lowongan Kerja Officer Development Program Bank Negara Indonesia Bulan Februari 2022

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LOWONGANKERJA15.COM, Lowongan Kerja Officer Development Program Bank Negara Indonesia Bulan Februari 2022

sukses terbaik biasanya datang setelah kekecewaan terbesar dilewati karena kekecewaan anda bukan akhir dari perjalanan. Mendapatkan pekerjaan adalah harapan setiap pelamar ataupun yang baru saja lulus dari sekolah maupun kuliah. Namun kenyataan dalam mencari pekerjaan itu tidak mudah kalau tidak dibekali dengan ilmu dan ketekunan. Sebaiknya kamu simak terlebih dahulu loker yang dibawah, apakah memiliki kesesuaian antara persyaratan perusahaan dengan CV mu. Kini kami posting sebuah informasi terbaru mengenai lowongan kerja terbaru Bank Negara Indonesia yang sedang ramai diperbincangkan oleh orang orang. Loker Bank Negara Indonesia yang kami sampaikan merupakan sebuah informasi pencarian pekerjaan yang cocok bagi kamu yang belum mendapatkan pekerjaan. Untuk itu, bagi pelamar yang sudah siap untuk bekerja pada perusahaan impian, seharusnya tekadkan dan perbaiki dirimu untuk menghadapi semua tantangan dalam melamar pekerjaan. 

Berikut ini merupakan postingan mengenai lowongan kerja terbaru Bank Negara Indonesia untuk pelamar yang berpendidikan minimal sarjana dengan harapan bisa mengerjakan tugas dan tanggunjawab yang baik terhadap jabatannya nanti. Bank Negara Indonesia atau Bank BNI merupakan sebuah lembaga keuangan perbankan terkemuka di indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa perbankan 

Lowongan Kerja Officer Development Program General Banking 2022  

Minimum Qualifications
Entrance Requirements :

  • S1 /S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies with the minimum GPA of:
  • - S1: 3.00 or equivalent
  • - S2: 3.25 or equivalent
  • Maximum age to apply:
  • - S1: 26 years old
  • - S2: 28 years old
  • Proficient in English and submit your score in the application (TOEFL /IELTS), we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid
  • The current status is not married and willing to not get married during the program (1 year)
Notes :

You are required to fulfill your Kalibrr Account Profile (Contact Info (included photo, date of birth, gender) and Education are mandatory)
You are required to fill in all Applications Questions at Kalibrr

Officer Development Program - RM Commercial 2022  

Minimum Qualifications
Entrance Requirements :

  • S1 /S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies with the minimum GPA of:
  • - S1: 3.00 or equivalent
  • - S2: 3.25 or equivalent
  • Maximum age to apply:
  • - S1: 26 years old
  • - S2: 28 years old
  • Proficient in English and submit your score in the application (TOEFL /IELTS), we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid
  • The current status is not married and willing to not get married during the program (1 year)
  • Specific for ODP RM Commercial :
  • S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies, or S1 with experince as Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Relationship Manager for 1 - 2 years.

Notes :

You are required to fulfill your Kalibrr Account Profile (Contact Info (included photo, date of birth, gender) and Education are mandatory)
You are required to fill in all Applications Questions at Kalibrr

Officer Development Program - IT 2022  

Minimum Qualifications
Entrance Requirements :

  • S1 /S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies with the minimum GPA of:
  • - S1: 3.00 or equivalent
  • - S2: 3.25 or equivalent
  • Maximum age to apply:
  • - S1: 26 years old
  • - S2: 28 years old
  • Proficient in English and submit your score in the application (TOEFL /IELTS), we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid
  • The current status is not married and willing to not get married during the program (1 year).
  • Specific for ODP IT :
  • Mastering the Programming Language that suits the Company needs.
  • Having a skill to design and Tools/ System development
  • Has experience in developing IT Tools and Systems in Banking or other Non-Banking financial industries

Notes :

You are required to fulfill your Kalibrr Account Profile (Contact Info (included photo, date of birth, gender) and Education are mandatory)
You are required to fill in all Applications Questions at Kalibrr

Officer Development Program - Wholesale Banking (Global Analyst Program)  

Minimum Qualifications
  • We are Calling Out The Best Talent to be the next BNI Future Leaders in Wholesale Banking
  • As one of the most reputable Banks in Indonesia, We acquire new talents to join us and to be Global Corporate Bankers in Wholesale Banking!
  • We will help you to kick of your career in the financial world with highly experienced bankers concentrated in Wholesale Banking.
  • With this opportunity, you will receive:
  • - Placement as a Senior Officer at Corporate Segment/ Treasury / International Banking
  • - Overseas Placement
  • - Global Postgraduate Program
The Requirements are:
  • 1. S1 /S2 from reputable local/international graduates from the relevant fields of studies with the minimum GPA of:
  • - S1: 3.00 or equivalent
  • - S2: 3.25 or equivalent
  • 2. Maximum age to apply:
  • - S1: 26 years old
  • - S2: 28 years old
  • 3. Fluent in English for both written and spoken with minimum Score: TOEFL IBT 75 / IELTS 6/ TOEIC 800
Note : Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan dan semua berkaitan dengan seleksi lowongan kerja perusahaan karena itu semuanya GRATIS serta, tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun

Lowongan Kerja Officer Development Program Bank Negara Indonesia Bulan Februari 2022

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