Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Bank Negara Indonesia Agustus 2020
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LOWONGANKERJA15.COM, Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Bank Negara Indonesia Agustus 2020
Tak perlu kepintaran saja yang harus anda miliki ketika kamu terjun ke dalam dunia kerja tetapi akhlak dan santun juga penting yang nantinya bisa memberikan sebuah pembuktian bahwa anda seorang karyawan yang memiliki pribadi yang cukup baik. Tidak jarang orang merasa gagal dalam tes seleksi psikotes dan wawancara karena mereka memiliki kepribadian yang kurang baik yang akhirnya perusahaan lebih mengutamakan mereka yang mempunyai sopan santun dan dan kepribadian yang baik tersebut. Dalam menangani berbagai hal yang yang menyangkut kepribadian ini, dituntut untuk terus menjadi seorang talenta yang memiliki rasa jujur dan bertanggung jawab. Di samping Anda harus bekerja dan belajar keras, kamu juga dituntut memiliki kepribadian yang baik. Sebuah informasi terbaru mengenai penerimaan calon pegawai baru di lingkungan Bank BNI tahun 2020. Kembali Bank Negara Indonesia memberikan peluang kepada talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Asisten Manager
Bank BNI merupakan sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa keuangan perbankan. Teman-teman yang berminat silakan ajukan lamaranmu secepatnya
Assistant Manager IT (Development, Programmer, Tester)
Bank Negara Indonesia
Job Description
Whether you has experience in Data Analytics field and / or someone seeking a new challenge to work at State - Owned Enterprise, BNI provide you with the opportunity to nurture your career as Assistant Manager.
As an Assistant Manager IT, Your job description is :
Making a design Tools and System development according to Project Plan.
With IT Division making a development Tools and System proposed through project management.
Ensure Tools and System can be implemented and accordance with specified criteria.
As our bank continues to grow, we need more talented employees to become our future leaders. We need fresh, creative, skillful, and adventurous individuals who will lead and manage the bank’s transformation to achieve its mission in the future.
Minimum Qualifications
Entrance Requirements :
- S1 /S2 from reputable universities from Computer Engineering.
- Mastering the Programming Language that suits the Company needs.
- Having a skill to design and Tools/ System development.
- Has experience in developing IT Tools and Systems in Banking or other Non-Banking financial industries.
- Proficient in English (active) and submit your score in the application (TOEFL /IELTS), we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid.
- No direct (nuclear) family currently working as an active employee of BNI.
- Having good communication skill and capable to work in Team.
Notes :
You are required to fulfill your Kalibrr Account Profile (Contact Info (included photo, date of birth, gender) and Education are mandatory)
You are required to fill in all Applications Questions at Kalibrr
Assistant Manager Data Analytics
Bank Negara Indonesia
Job Description
Whether you has experience in Data Analytics field and / or someone seeking a new challenge to work at State - Owned Enterprise, BNI provide you with the opportunity to nurture your career as Assistant Manager.
As Assistant Manager Data Analytics position, your job description is :
Carry out submission and analysis of data relating to the condition of the outlet business,
Report the results of studies and analyzes in the form of report and dashboard to the Team, Business and Supporting unit, and
Monitoring Outlet business development.
As our bank continues to grow, we need more talented employees to become our future leaders. We need fresh, creative, skillful, and adventurous individuals who will lead and manage the bank’s transformation to achieve its mission in the future.
Minimum Qualifications
Entrance Requirements :
- S1 /S2 from reputable universities from Computer Engineering/ Statistics/ Mathematics.
- Have experience in the Data Analytics field min 2-3 years.
- Max 28 Years Old.
- Capable to use Excel, SQL, Phyton and Tools Dashboard (Tableau, Power BI, etc)
- Having understanding related to Banking Business and Other Non-Banking Financial institutions.
- Having good communication skill, capable to work in Team, and could provide recomendations on data presented.
- Proficient in English (active) and submit your score in the application (TOEFL /IELTS), we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid
- No direct (nuclear) family currently working as an active employee of BNI
Notes :
You are required to fulfill your Kalibrr Account Profile (Contact Info (included photo, date of birth, gender) and Education are mandatory)
You are required to fill in all Applications Questions at Kalibrr
Bagi kawan kawan memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di instansi PT Bank Negara Indonesia, silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan kerja berikut
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