Penerimaan Pegawai Tidak Tetap Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia Oktober 2019

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LOWONGANKERJA15.COM, Penerimaan Pegawai Tidak Tetap Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia Oktober 2019. Rekrutmen Pegawai Tidak Tetap Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia. Apakah posisi duduk bisa menentukan apapun harus ada caranya agar kamu sukses dalam wawancara kerja? Posisi duduk ikut menentukan pesan yang ingin anda sampaikan kepada pewawancara. Jika cara duduk anda tidak baik, itu akan mengurangi 1 poin alasan Anda diterima diperusahaan tersebut. Ketika Anda duduk merosot itu menunjukkan bahwa anda kurang percaya diri, terlalu santai, bosan dengan wawancara dan sangat tidak sopan. Duduk kaku seperti batu, menunjukkan rasa takut untuk menjawab pertanyaan pewawancara. Ketika Anda duduk di ujung kursi, bahkan terlihat akan jatuh menunjukkan bahwa anda tidak nyaman dan tidak ingin berada di sana, kesan lainnya adalah Anda terlihat ada urusan lain dan terburu-buru untuk mengakhiri wawancara tersebut. Ketika Anda duduk yang selalu dirubah, posisi duduk yang selalu dirubah menunjukkan kegelisahan dan ketidaknyamanan dalam wawancara kerja. Untuk itu ada baiknya anda menghindari hal tersebut. Posisi duduk yang menggambarkan profesionalisme, percaya diri dan serius adalah duduk di kursi dengan tegap dan lurus, tidak miring ke kiri atau ke kanan dan tidak condong ke depan atau ke belakang.

Penerimaan Pegawai Tidak Tetap Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia Oktober 2019

Informasi loker yang kami publish pada siang hari ini berasal dari rekrutmen calon pegawai baru di lingkungan rumah sakit Universitas Indonesia bulan Oktober 2019. Kembali ke rumah sakit Universitas Indonesia membuka kesempatan berkarir kepada talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal Diploma dan sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai tenaga medis maupun non medis. Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia (RSUI) adalah Unit Kerja Khusus (UKK) Universitas Indonesia yang berfungsi sebagai unit penunjang akademik. Motto pelayanan RSUI adalah "We Provide Outstanding Care", RSUI percaya bahwa kualitas dari pelayanan yang kami berikan ditentukan oleh SDM yang berkualitas, memiliki keahlian dan dedikasi tinggi, serta visi yang sama dengan RSUI. RSUI memberikan kesempatan kepada putra putri terbaik bangsa sebagai bagian dari RSUI, mari bergabung bersama kami.

Cashier & Registration Admin Staff/ Staf Kasir & Registrasi Administrasi

  • Minimum Bachelor degree from Economic / Accounting / Management Having relevant experiences, preferable > 2 year. Preferable from similar industry. Diploma degree may apply

Finance Administration Staff

  • Minimum Bachelor degree from Economic / Accounting / Management Having relevant experiences, preferable > 2 year. Preferable from similar industry. Diploma degree may apply

Accounting Staff

  • Minimum Bachelor degree from Economic / Accounting / Management Having relevant experiences, preferable > 2 year. Preferable from similar industry. Diploma degree may apply

Pharmacist / Apoteker

  • Minimum bachelor degree with Pharmacist proffesion Having relevant experiences, preferable > 2 year. Preferable from similar industry. Willing to work in Shifting.

Pharmacist Assistant / Asisten Apoteker

  • Minimum Diploma III of Pharmacy Having relevant experiences in hospital management, preferable > 1 year. Preferable from similar industry. Willing to work in Shifting.

Nutritionist / Ahli Gizi

  • Diploma III / Bachelor degree in Nutrisionist. Having relevant experiences, preferably > 2 years Preferable from similar industry.

CCM / Koordinator Asuhan Keperawatan

  • Minimum Master Degree of Nursing / Nurse Specialist. Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist and Maternity Nursing Specialist. Preferable having relevant experiences > 3 years.

Primary Nurse

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree, Ners profession. Preferable having relevant experiences > 2 years.

Perawat / Ners

  • Minimum Ners profession. Preferable having relevant experiences > 2 years. Preferably have a training certificate (Surgery, Anesthesia, ER, ICU, NICU, PICU, Perinatology / Cathlab / Endoscopy, HD and Chemotherapy).

Junior Nurse / Perawat Pemula

  • Minimum Diploma Degree Preferable having relevant experiences > 2 years. Preferably have a training certificate (Surgery, Anesthesia, ER, ICU, NICU, PICU, Perinatology / Cathlab / Endoscopy, HD and Chemotherapy).


  • Having relevant experiences. Preferable from similar industry, and having spesific training certificate related to hospital operations / technician. Willing to work in Shifting. High School graduates may apply

Ners / Perawat

  • Minimum Ners profession. Preferable having relevant experiences > 2 years.

General Practitioner / Dokter Umum

  • Minimum Medical Doctor (MD) Degree Having independent and relevant practice experiences, preferably > 2 years (Outpatient / Inpatient / Emergency Care). Passed the Indonesian Doctor competency test (UKDI/UKMPPD) for those graduated on April 29, 2007 and after. Must have valid ACLS certificate. Preferably having training certificate of ATLS/PALS/IMELS/PTC/Family Medicine/Primary Care Physician/Occupational Health (at least one of may apply).

Health Promotion Services Staff

  • Bachelor degree majoring Health. Having relevant experiences in Health promotion, preference in similar industry.

Health Promotion Services (Dietician) Staff

  • Bachelor degree majoring Health, Public Health, etc. Having relevant experiences in Health promotion, Dietician, preference in similar industry.

Medical Record Staff / Perekam Medis

  • Minimum Diploma III Degree of Medical record Preferable having relevant experiencesin similar industry


  • Having relevant experiences. Preferable from similar industry, and having spesific training certificate related to hospital operations / technician. Willing to work in Shifting. High School graduates may apply

Logistic Admin Staff

  • Diploma III of any major, preferable from Hospital Administration UI.

Transporter / Helper / Pekarya

  • Having relevant experiences. Preferable from similar industry, and having spesific training certificate related to hospital operations / technician. Willing to work in Shifting. High School graduates may apply

Sterilization Staff (CSSD)

  • Diploma III Pharmacy / Health. High School may apply. Having relevant experiences in hospital CSSD / sterilization , preferable >=1 year.

HR Admin Staff

  • Diploma III of any major, preferable from Hospital Administration UI


  • Diploma III Audiologist. Having relevant experiences, preferably in the same industry.

Cardiovascular Technician

  • Minimum Diploma III degree from Cardiovascular Nursing.

Physiotherapist / Fisioterapis (Neurorestorasi)

  • Minimum Bachelor degree with Physiotherapist profession. Having relevant experiences, preferably > 2 years. Preferable from similar industry

Administration Staff for Medical Specialist Services

  • Bachelor degree majoring Health, Public Health, etc. Having relevant experiences in Health promotion, preferably in similar industry.

Case Mix Staff for Medical Specialist Services

  • Bachelor degree majoring Health, Public Health, etc. Having relevant experiences preferably in similar industry.

Public Relations / Humas

  • Minimum Diploma III from all major Attractive appearance, Good communication skill. Preferably having Graphic design competencies. Having relevant experiences, preferably >= 2 years from similar industry.

Graphic Designer/ Desain Grafis

  • Minimum Diploma III from all major Attractive appearance, Good communication skill. Preferably having Graphic design competencies. Having relevant experiences, preferably >= 2 years from similar industry.

Marketing Staff / Staf Pemasaran

  • Minimum Diploma III from all major Attractive appearance, Good communication skill. Preferably familiar with marketing strategic and planning. Have a good relations with Media and Community Having relevant experiences, preferably >= 2 years from similar industry.

Asset Staff / Staf Aset

  • Minimum Diploma III from all major Attractive appearance, Good communication skill. Preferably familiar with Economy strategic and planning, especially in Asset Management. Having relevant experiences, preferably >= 2 years from similar industry. Familiar with Ms. Excel program

Mechanical and Electrical Technician / Teknisi ME

  • Diploma III from Mechanical / Civil / Electrical Engineering High School graduates may Apply. Preferable having relevant experiences >= 2 years. Preferable from similar industry.

Junior Electromedic Technician / Teknisi Elektromedis Pemula

  • Minimum Diploma III in Electromedic/ relevant major. Preferable having relevant experiences > 1 year.

Goods and Services Procurement Staff/ Pengelola Pengadaan Barang/Jasa

  • Minimum Diploma III from any majors. Preferable degree from Pharmacy Profession (Apoteker) that having experiences with medicines & medical devices procurement. Having Experience > 2 years Preferably from similar industries and have LKPP basic level service procurement expertise certificates.

Administration staff for Goods and Services Procurement

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree from any majors. Preferable degree from Pharmacy Profession (Apoteker) that having experiences with medicines & medical devices procurement. Having Experience >= 2 year.

Admission Staff / Staf Admission

  • Preferably Bachelor degree from or Any Major. Having relevant experiences in Admission /Registration at similar industry, preferable > 1 year

IT Support / Teknisi Perangkat IT

  • Minimum Diploma III of Computer Science . High School may apply. Preferable having relevant experiences > 1 year Preferable from similar industry

Dental Therapist / Terapis Gigi & Mulut

  • Minimum DIII Dental Therapist Preferably Having relevant experiences >= 2 years in similar industry.

Jika kawan kawan memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia, silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan pekerjaan berikut

Hanya kandidat terbaiklah yang akan diproses
Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun
Waspadalah terhadap tindak penipuan yang kerap kali terjadi
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