Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Musim Mas Tahun 2016 [6 Posisi]
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LOWONGANKERJA15.COM - Recruitment Terbaru Perkebunan Musim Mas is a national private company engaged in the rapidly growing oil palm plantations and factories across the island of Sumatra and Kalimantan. PT Musim Mas Group has its headquarters in the country of Singapore and a branch in the Indonesian territory of Sumatra and Kalimantan. The company is able to manage the business of the leading palm oil to produce palm oil supply chain best and largest in Indonesia. Musim Mas operational activities including managing oil palm plantations to produce fresh fruit bunches. Mas season then able to produce marketing of crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel high. Other activities include managing high-value products such as specialty fats oleochemicals, biodiesel, soap, candles, and much more. We are also an industry group that is capable of producing edible oil products manufacturers and body care products are ready to be shipped and marketed nationally and globally. Baca juga Loker PT Pegadaian (Persero)
Sebagai perusahaan perkebunan sawit terkemuka di indonesia, kini Musim mas kembali membuka penerimaan terbaru kepada putra putri indonesia untuk menjadi tenaga pegawai mulai dari lulusan Diploma maupun Bachelor degree melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Musim Mas Tahun 2016 sebagai berikut
Marine Engineer
- Graduates D3 / Bachelor Degree S1 marine, Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering with min GPA 2.75
- Men with a maximum age of 30 years
- Knowing how to fix the machine in shipbuilding
- Willing to be placed in all operational areas of the company
Civil Engineer
- Graduates D3 / S1 Degree Bachelor of Civil Engineering with min GPA 2.75
- Men with a maximum age of 30 years
- Preferably have experience as site engineer, was involved in a building, bridge or road
- Being able to create working drawings with AutoCAD and Sketchup program
- Willing to be placed in all operational areas of the company
Trainee Humas
- Law graduate of Bachelor Degree S1 with min GPA 3.00
- Male, age maximum 30 years
- Willing to be placed in all operational areas of the company
Mill Assistant Trainee
- Graduates D3 / S1 (industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering) with min GPA 3.00
- Male, age maximum 30 years
- Willing to work shift
- Willing to be placed in all operational areas of the company
- Graduates D3 / S1 (industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering) with min GPA 3.00
- Male, age maximum 30 years
- Able to speak English well
- Understanding the audit management processes, such as ISO 9001, 22000, HACCP, GMP
Lab Analyst
- Graduates D3 / Bachelor Degree S1 Chemistry with min GPA 3.00
- Male, age maximum 30 years
- Has a chemical laboratory experience
- Willing to work shift
Bagi anda yang berminat untuk bekerja dalam perusahaan Musim Mas diatas, Silakan antarkan langsung surat lamaran lengkap Fotokopy ijasah / SKTL, Transkip nilai, KTP dan pas photo terbaru ukuran 3X4 (1 lembar) ke alamat : Bagian PJK USU (Universitas Sumatera Utara), Jalan Perpustakaan USU, Selambat lambatnya hingga tanggal 2 Maret 2016 mendatang. Pelamar terbaiklah yang akan kami proses. Terimakasih